Seven Tips To Organize Your Closet
Do you have a disorganized closet? If that closet happens to be in your bedroom, we recommend gaining control of that space ASAP! You start and end your day in the closet and if it is disorganized, you’re starting your day and ending your day in chaos. There is a better way and organizing your closet is possible!
Here are seven steps for organizing your closet. Ready? Set? Go!
1. Empty
You need to empty out the entire closet completely. Completely? Yes, completely! As you empty the closet try to keep the items in groups matching like items together.
2. Clean
Now that the closet is empty, take a few minutes to vacuum and dust the shelves and baseboards. It’s nice to start your organization project with a clean slate.
3. Sort
Now, if you didn’t group like items together when you took everything out of the closet you want to begin the sorting. Sort all of the clothing and accessories into categories such as: jackets, pants, shirts, skirts, belts, shoes, and so on. If you have trouble with this, make it easier by sorting into three categories: Tops (shirts, blouses, etc) and Bottoms (slacks, jeans, skirts) and Accessories (shoes, belts, purses). Note we don’t have a category for mail, books, paper, etc. If possible we want to find storage for those items in another space!
4. Edit
As you are sorting your items, it is the perfect time to edit out the items that should be donated, mended, cleaned, or consigned.
5. Replace
Start with one category and return those items back in the closet. We often will group the clothing by color within the category and sometimes by season if space allows.
6. Backward
Replace the hanger ‘backwards’ so the tip of the hanger is facing out. Once you wear the item replace the hanger ‘normally’ so the tip is facing the back of the closet. At the end of the season you’ll know that all the hangers that are still backwards you did not wear.
7. Delivery
Now that you edited your garments, don’t forget to deliver the donations, mending and consignment to the appropriate vendor. Also, if you keep a paper shopping bag in the bottom of your closet, you can edit all year long. Each season drop items into the bag you will no longer fit or that you want to donate. Once the bag is full take it to your favorite clothing charity or consignment store.