Category : Charity Work

HomeArchive by Category Charity Work
Stopped Sending Holiday Cards

We Stopped Sending Holiday Cards – Find Out Why

By Scott Roewer | December 23rd, 2015 | Comments »

The past couple of weeks, a lot of our friends, family and clients have asked us when they’ll be receiving our annual holiday cards. They’ve been a big hit the last nine years , but unfortunately we have stopped sending holiday cards. Seriously. It’s not because we’ve #GoneGrinch on our friends, family and clients. For many […]


Barefoot Week With Soles4Souls 2011 – How You Can Participate

By Scott Roewer | May 30th, 2011 | Comments »

Today, marks the beginning of Soles4Souls’ National Barefoot Week 2011. In short, it’s a week where thousands of people across the country are joining the cause, raising awareness about the millions of people, world-wide that go barefoot, and doing something about it. As a part of the week, Soles4Souls is distributing over 50,000 pairs of […]


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