Hi there!
Thank you for requesting your free report “11 Things to Discard Before Monday”. Before we can send the report to your email, we need you to confirm your email address. Right now, in your email, you have a note from our ClientCare Manager, Brian. The subject line is “Confirm your email now to access the report”.
There is a link in that email, that when you click on the link, you will confirm that you’re a real person. Then we’ll be able to send you a second email with the free report. Go ahead, check your email now and you’ll have your free report in just minutes. The success people have report to us after reading the humorous, yet practical report, has been huge!
Once your email is confirmed you have 5 days to download the report. Don’t delay, check your email now and confirm your email address.
Thank you for your interest. We’re glad to have you in our community.
All the best,
Scott Roewer – Founder
The Organizing Agency, Inc.